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R & D

Collecting internal and external resources together
We're fighting against invisible enemies every day

We collect high technologies from Japan and overseas, and engage in research and development by making use of the technologies and experience of the Aderans Group that we have cultivated so far, including joint research with various companies, universities, and research institutes.





​Oxidative decomposition mechanism

​When titanium oxide, which is a photocatalyst, is exposed to light such as sunlight,​ Electrons (e-) and holes (h +) contained in titanium oxide are generated, oxygen and water in the air react with each other, and generate "active oxygen" and "hydraulic radicals". these two powerful active oxygens have an oxidative decomposition ability on the surface of titanium oxide.



Another characteristic of titanium oxide is "super hydrophilicity". Waterdrop is repelled on the non-coated surface of the photocatalyst, but due to the super-hydrophilic reaction on the photocatalyst coated surface, a self-cleaning effect can be expected when the base material such as an outer wall is located in a place exposed to rain.

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